Do You Earn On Expertscolumn
I Would Like to Earn on Expertscolum
How many of you enjoy writing and communicating on Expertscolumn but also want to earn a little pocket change.
I've been away from Expertscolumn quiet awhile.I had extensive surgery last year and have been slow to heal and grain my strength back.I see many changes here and am feeling my way around again.When I first began submitting articles to Expertscolumn years ago I earned, not much but enough to cash in for five dollars every week or so.
After the site closed for updating I came back and cashed out the earnings I had.Afterwards I posted many articles and never earned enough to cash out.I believe I have 11 cent in my account.
Surely advertisers are paying otherwise Expertscolumn would close down.It wouldn't be worth maintaining the site with no earnings. I would like to hear everyones opinion.Are you spending time here? Are you earing money? Do you stay only because you love writing and don't mind not earning from your work? I love writing and reading and I write regardless of earnings, But we should earn something from all our hard work.